Thursday, November 17, 2016

Dilled Green Tomatoes - Page 230

So tonight we had a lot on our plates.  Ox and I had made the Pumpkin Roll, and it was in the refrigerator, and then we made Chicken Marsala using a brilliant crispy skinned chicken breast recipe we had been playing with for a while.  After dinner, there were a ton of dishes, and the Dilled Green Tomatoes to do.  Ox and I jokingly said that we would do the dishes if the womenfolk would do the tomatoes.  The ladies were game, so this recipe is all them!  (We got the last laugh because we did a shitty job on the dishes.)

We didn't do the canning version, just the refrigerator version, because our plans for these ensure they won't last two weeks.  All the tomatoes will either be relish, or fried in no time.

When you're not doing the canning, this is a relatively simple recipe.  As usual, we got our spices (dill seeds were the only thing we didn't have on hand) from the Charleston Spice Company.  With a couple days notice they will have what you want at the Charleston or Summerville Farmer's Market.

Kari did the prep and knife work, and Mary made the pickling mix.  The ladies did a beautiful job with jar presentation.  The recipe is basically boiling a pickling liquid, putting some aromatics into the jars, slicing the pickles, and putting it all together.
We'll let you know how they came out after this Sunday's Walking Dead/Ox and Brock Cookathon.

Advice: We ended up with just over 2 jars of tomatoes, but 3 jars of pickling liquid.  Either get extra tomatoes, or have some fun stuff to toss in the extra jar, just in case.

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